Benefits of Powdered Egg White
Egg white is a food with a great protein profile, about 13g in 100g of cooked food, which helps enrich various preparations, and offers several health benefits. Egg white can be found in pasteurized, liquid, or powdered form.
What is pasteurized egg white?
Pasteurization is an industrial process for preserving the product to keep it safe for consumption. In this process, the use of heat sources is employed with the objective of destroying pathogenic microorganisms (in the case of eggs, salmonella bacteria) without altering the physical constitution of the food. salmonella) sem alterar a constituição física do alimento.
Pasteurized egg white has the same benefits as the fresh version: it is a source of high biological value protein, has albumin and BCAA. All these nutrients are important for the reconstruction of muscles and hypertrophy (increase in muscle mass), reduction of muscle fatigue and promotion of satiety. Check out other benefits of pasteurized egg white:
- It is a safe food because it went through an industrialization process, which eliminated bacteria, especially salmonella, a microorganism that causes food poisoning and can lead to death;
- It is practical, because it comes ready for consumption and without the yolk;
- It avoids waste, since it allows the desired quantity to be measured;
- It does not have the characteristic egg smell.
What is pasteurized egg white used for?
Pasteurized egg white is indicated for sweet and savory preparations, especially in recipes with egg white or raw egg, such as mayonnaise and mousses, since it offers more microbiological safety.
Real Company comercializes pasteurized Egg White Powder, and Whole Powdered Egg, always with the best quality in the market. Click HERE to include it on your online quote.